Key Assets and Projects From This Tri


A lot of my reflections for this project are summarized in our team ticket

Also, the runtime link

Our Mini-Project was the Card Sort Project. This project required us to work with Springboot to create our running database. My attempt in using Spring did not go so well from last trimester’s project, especially since I was attempting to make a running server from scratch. This trimester was a lot better however, since I was able to help successfully get HTTP requests to pass through our API.

Frontend was also a big challenge. We had to be creative with how we simulated individual card movements. I think our final method was quite efficient and did the job correctly.

Student Lesson

I did the hashmaps section of the student lesson. Making the lesson helped me understand the concept much further in depth than just passively listening to someone explain it. I thought the lessons are also a good way to improve communication between our classmates, not just in our team

CollegeBoard Prep:

For the Collegeboard Test I took this trimester I got a 32/39. I think most of all I need to work on improving my time, since some questions took anywhere up to 9 minutes. Having a pen and paper helped a lot for the questions I did complete on time.

full reflection

Our student lessons were also a good overview of the Units that Collegeboard requires us to learn. However, I think for the actual test, I’ll likely need to do a lot more practice than what the lessons could give

Student Lesson Overview


All the work I’ve done so far this trimester has been organized on the front page of my blog

Issues have also been very useful for reflections, overviews, and summaries for the work I’ve been doing. It’s very convenient to just be able to read everything on an issue instead of having to dig through files.


  • Mini-project (linked above)
  • CollegeBoard quiz (linked above)
  • Ideation week for the two-trimester project (linked above)


What I'm Most Excited About from this Project

With this project, we’ve been surveying people from Del Norte about tools that may help them better teach/learn various subjects. We plan to keep on asking questions from our target audience as we develop our project further. I’m excited about this because it makes our project useful beyond our classroom by making long and tedious tasks faster for everyone – which is the purpose of Computer Science.

Hopefully we will be able to test our project with volunteers at various stages of development, so that the final project ends up being a lot more useful.